Wildrose Texas
Gentle in the home, dynamic in the field
Wildrose Texas is an Associate of Wildrose Kennels in Oxford Mississippi. Wildrose is the oldest and most selective trainer and breeder of imported British and Irish Labradors in North America. Using proven bloodlines and following a disciplined, tried and true system, the “Wildrose Way” consistently produces Labrador companions that are the perfect complement to a family’s sporting lifestyle: Waterfowling, Upland Wingshooting, Outdoor Adventures and Service Dogs. Wildrose Labradors are regarded among wingshooters and adventurers as the finest versatile sporting dogs in the world. For over four decades, Wildrose has produced a classic “Gentleman’s Gundog™” of superb temperament and natural gamefinding ability; a dog that is gentle in the home, dynamic in the field, and the perfect complement to any family’s outdoor adventures from canoeing, fishing, hiking mountain trails to leisurely afternoons by the lake. Through long associations in England and N. Ireland with some of the most successful trainers of the regions, Wildrose continues to offer the authentic, English Labrador retriever just as one might witness on the finest estate shoots of the United Kingdom. www.uklabs.com
The Craftons purchased their first Wildrose lab in 1974 and we are extremely excited to partner with Wildrose owner, Mike Stewart, in this venture. When completed in the summer of 2017, Wildrose Texas will be located on a beautiful campus at the historic Dallas Hunting and Fishing Club just 13 miles south of downtown Dallas. Wildrose Texas will be run by a full time Wildrose trainer who was hand-selected by Mike Stewart who has been thoroughly trained and experienced in instructing the “Wildrose Way”. At seven months of age, Wildrose dogs can return to our campus for intense training. In our workshops, we will work with clients to “train the trainer” for successful lifelong results. Started and finished dogs will be available as well. For Wildrose dogs and other sporting breeds, Wildrose Texas will also offer long-term and short-term boarding with daily workout drills and stimulation. All reservations, scheduling and administration will be performed through Wildrose Kennels (662-234-5788).